I have a Daintree Duck Toller and proud of it. His name is Qantas - (Charlie x Bhindi). Qantas had a shaky start to life which did not go unnoticed by Trisha. When she recognized he was in distress, she took him back from his first owners when he was 9 months old and rehomed him with my family. We had lost a Toller six months prior and decided that nothing would do but to introduce another Toller into our home. Qantas arrived with some anxieties due to his treatment at his first home but having some previous Toller experience we were able to quickly convince him we could be trusted and within no time, he developed the fun-loving, zany personality of a typical Toller. Because we had already applied for a Toller puppy from a different kennel where we got our first Toller from, within three months of Qantas's arrival, we added a Toller puppy to the mix - Qantas had absolutely no problems with the pup and the two of them bonded and became unbelievably great friends and still are to this day, nearly 4 years later. Any questions I asked Trisha were answered immediately and her interest in Qantas and his well being has never waned. She posts "Happy Birthdays" to all her pups, asks for photos of them all and proudly posts them. Do I recommend Daintree Kennels? Absolutely.
- Cheryl Smith