my kingdom for a fence

5 acres unfenced is a blessing and a curse.  In frigid temperatures and when I am so sick I can barely get out of bed (just getting over a brutal cold) it is a blessing to have such a big property to let the dogs go sew their wild oats, blaze around chasing each other, running through deep snow, and such.  Rhys and Bhindi always come back when called the FIRST time.  Splash and Topaz have taken to wandering off, across the road to one or the other neighbours place, and definitely positively finding things to eat.  I am thinking they are getting into someone's garbage and the lure of it is just too great to say on our side of the road.

Although the ground is frozen and the fence would cost me thousands, and I would need 2 huge gates for the circular driveway, I still pine for containment.  Luckily it's not a busy road, and most people are animal savvy enough to slow down if they see movement.  I am going to work on perimeter training with them in the coming weeks and see if that helps at all.