If you have an active dog, it is not a question of if your dog gets sick or hurt, it's when. At about $20-$25/month, insurance covers accidents and illnesses which would otherwise cost you thousands of dollars. A medical report is normally requested from the insurance company, and the younger you start on it, the cheaper your premiums will be throughout it's lifetime.
We have used the insurance for eye injuries, foot lacerations, foreign body ingestion, and bite injuries. Friends have used their insurance for their dog getting hit by a car, breaking a leg due to being tripped over on the stairs, allergic reaction to bee stings, and major surgery after running into a broken branch and breaking ribs. We are quite lucky that we haven't had any major illnesses but with such an active and busy breed, the injuries are almost guaranteed.
All Daintree puppies come with 6 weeks of complimentary pet insurance thanks to the CKC and PetSecure. It is up to you to continue the coverage after the free period.
There are several providers of insurance in Canada, but in past research we have found President's Choice to be the most affordable while offering the most comprehensive coverage for what you pay for.
Just like with home or auto insurance, routine medical care is not covered- regular check ups and dental care are up to you to pay for. The good news is, with minimal vaccinations and a raw diet, you will avoid a lot of the annual medical expenses that 'regular' dog care and food tend to cause.