Nov 27


Topaz- 1/2 cup Orijen fish dry food

Rhys, Bhindi & Splash- 1/2 cup Acana Wild Prairie dry food

Cadi- 1 chicken back

(I was in a rush and didn't have enough chicken backs for everyone.  Cadi has not yet eaten kibble.)


Kind of a leftover night

Topaz- 5 oz ground beef/organ, 1 tbsp greek yogurt, a little leftover salad

Rhys- 1 chicken back, 1 tbsp greek yogurt, leftover salad

Bhindi, Splash and Cadi- 5 oz. ground chicken with bone, 1 tbsp greek yogurt and leftover salad

Splash got 1/2 tsp Prozyme Digestive Enzymes

Cadi got 1/2 tsp liquid vitamin C in preparation for her Parvo shot this week.

THAWING: ground duck with bone, ground beef/veg and just baked a tray of whole threadfish with olive oil and lemon pepper seasoning.