CH Daintree Melody di CasaToller- "Allegra"
December 15, 2013- Female CKC 1128073
Cardiac OFFA NORMAL DTR-CA1066/25F/P-P
PRA - Carrier (PawPrint Genetics 18264-6928)
CEA/CH - Clear (PawPrint Genetics 18264-6928)
DM- Clear (PawPrint Genetics 18264-6928)
CERF- completed April 22/16 by Dr M. Ford
JADD cleared by parentage
DE results pending
CP1/CLPS results pending
BUFF results pending
View Allegra's OFFA and other health clearances
Click here for her pedigree.
More photos of Allegra
Microchip 380260002003366
Allegra can be found on our instagram feed with either of her hashtags: #ohAllegra or #AllegraDaintree.
Allegra is our "Italiana", imported at the age of 7 months from Di Casa Tollers in Emilia Romagna, Italy. Born out of Daintree's Alisprings CasaToller, her mother was originally from our kennel. She is high energy, very sweet and affectionate, and large for a female. Allegra had her first litter due in June 2016, producing 5 females and one male with Rambo, Tollchester Mission Impossible.
Allegra was awarded Winner's Female on two different days at the Ladies Kennel Club dog show in November 2016, making her current career total 3 points. Thank you to Judges Dr Michael Woods and Raymond Yurick.
Allegra was on hiatus over the holidays and returned to the ring for the Alberta Kennel Club Winter Classic in January 2017 where she picked up the final 7 points she needed to complete her Canadian Championship.
Allegra was retired after her second litter in the summer of 2017 and lives as an only dog in Revelstoke with a doting retired couple.